Adult Sports

Pick-Up Adult Basketball

Whether you’re looking to get back on the court or want to take up a new hobby, adult basketball at the YMCA is a fun way to stay active and enjoy teamwork. There is no need to sign up, just stop by and play.

Gym Schedule

Pick-Up Adult Pickleball

The perfect combination of tennis and ping pong, Pickleball was designed to be easy to learn and play at any age. Pickleball is traditionally played on a badminton-sized court with special Pickleball paddles, made of wood or high-tech aerospace materials. The ball used is similar to a wiffle ball, but slightly smaller. The lower net and wiffle ball allow the game to be accessible to people of all ages and abilities, while still allowing more competitive players to test their mettle.
We offer beginner and intermediate open play times in the gymnasium, as well as 6 outdoor courts.

Gym Schedule

Golf Simulator

Our Foresight GCHawk golf simulator is the ultimate in Sim Technology. The GCHawk is an overhead mount, allowing players of both right and left handedness to hit shots with absolute confidence that performance was precisely measured. The GCHawk captures shots from every stick in the bag – from driver to putter – for a complete, true-to-life game experience. With Foresight Sports lifelike course experience you will surely enjoy everything the simulator has to offer. (Bring your own equipment.)

Price per hour (not per play):
Member – $40
Non-Member – $60

Golf Leagues run multiple times throughout the year for six weeks each. Up to four players can play at a time. The cost to participate in RGS YMCA Golf League is $60 per player. Chances for prizes each session.

Watch for upcoming scrambles, leagues, specialty competitions and rental opportunities.


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